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Ekadshi Vratham

Ekadashi vratham
Ekadashi Comes twice in the month, on ekadashi days this fasting is in general for everyone, ekadashi is 11th day in the moon cycle, from New moon day and also full moon day.

It is proven scientific reason for fast of ekadashi that the air pressure in the atmosphere rapidly changes in the surrounding’s on the full moon day or new moon day.
One can observe this from increasing high tidal waves in the ocean, on any new moon day or amavasya, the Pressure increases in the ocean and tidal waves are very tough and high. But immediate from next day on wards, improving atmospheric pressure to reduce. So on 11th day from new moon or full moon day the atmospheric Pressure is somewhat very light or nil.

If one has to go empty stomach on any other day except ekadashi the atmospheric pressure will put more strain, but on ekadashi day the problem is minor or nil, the body never takes pain and help for refreshing the whole body mechanism like liver/stomach etc.
But on immediate on next day called (Dwadashi) i.e. 12th day from full moon to avoid any pressure on the body system, eat food in the morning as early as possible, so it is advisable to do fast only on the ekadashi and give scope for refreshing the whole body mechanism, But eat food immediately on next day to avoid any Complications.
Ekadashi it nice day for Mediation, Prayers, Puja’s, Devotion, peace and intake light meals fruit like banana, water, milk etc. and avoid onion, garlic from this you can purify the body , mind and thoughts.

In Indian Vedic it is said that
न गायथ्रिया पर मन्थर; ना मात् पर दैवथम् ।
न गङ्कास्य परमम् थीर्तम् , ना ऎकादस्या: समम् व्रतम् ॥

Meaning: - There is no Mantra superior to “Gayatri Mantra”, no God Superior to “Mother”, no Water more purify than “River Gange”, finally there is no fast Superior than the “Ekadashi vratham”.



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