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Many years have gone by still remember my childhood memories spent with my colony friends: It's amazing how we grow from careless kids to responsible teens. There was a full of the energetic environment in the colony. I thought to share a few of the funny memories spend with my childhood friends. 

1) In our colony a grumpy lady staying on the ground floor her house window was facing the garden. We used to play all games in that garden like hockey, cricket, football, etc. I remember one day we were all playing cricket, she looked from the window and thought if anything happened, will be caught immediately, suddenly one of our friends hit a hard shot the ball went straight to that lady's window, and the glass shattered, in seconds we ran away with the bat, ball, stump, etc. immediately the lady came out, but she didn't see anyone, and she went home blabbering "हे सगळे पोर अत्ता हित होते कुठे पळुन जातात"., 

2)In our Colony there was a temple of Lord Laxmi Narayan" and, ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu around the statue. daily we use to take prasadam, do pradakshina and touch the feet in the sequence of ten avatars when it comes to "Lord Vamana" one of our friends he rolls his hands over the head of "Lord Vamana" and making fun,  we told him not to do that you are insulting  "Lord Vamana", he didn't listen to anyone and says "आरे कु्छ नही होता" after a few days later he stopped doing that, we were surprised when he said," Hey friend, last night a bald man came to me in a dream and he hit me hard. I think he was Lord Vamana when we heard that, we laughed out loud and fell,  that day onwards he never did the same.

3) Once we were all playing hide and seek, all the hiders were found, only one friend was left, seeker searched the whole colony but he was nowhere to be found, then he looked in the toilet, only one toilet was closed all the others were opened, he thought that friend is hiding there, he shouted to come out, but there was no response, one of our friends kick hardly on the toilet door that latches of the toilet brooked, and falling sound came from the toilet, suddenly the man stood up and grabbed the door powerfully, we thought that he is doing deliberately and then one by one everyone started kicking on the door, we all hey, don't pretend, come out. After a few minutes a sound came from the 3rd  floor 'अरे मी वरती आहे'" we started thinking that who is in the toilet, suddenly the man came out of the toilet in a rage and shouted  "मारु का" and we were all scared and ran away from there.

4) A woman who lived in our colony, wandered the entire colony leaving her hair free, wearing a saree applying Kumkum on her forehead she looks like a soul, whenever she passes towards us we use to mumbled in a frightened voice "एक भट्क्ती आत्मा" 

5) I remember in the summer vacation we use to sleep outside of the house. that time we use to play cards, one day after playing cards we are ready to sleep, after few minutes one of our friends started snoring loudly it was irritating we were thinking about how to stop his snoring, then one of my friends said lift his bed and place it near garbage pit. And we did the same. The next day in the morning he wakes up and started shouting. after that, he never came to sleep with us.😅

6) In our colony some old men used to sit chatting every evening on any subject, one day they were talking about some spiritual issues, who is bigger Lord Ram or Lord Vishnu. We were behind them and seeing those incidents, suddenly two men from that group started arguing, one was saying रामजी बडे…..another was saying व‍िष्‍णुजी बडे…. रामजी…. व‍िष्‍णुजी….रामजी….व‍िष्‍णुजी and the argument turned into a quarrel, and one of them was quarreling and shouting रामजी…. रामजी… रामजी… even though he falls on the ground, seeing that, we started laughing loudly.

7) The colony had three-story buildings, adjacent four toilets outside of the house for each floor, two for women and gents each. One of our friends: in our colony, with a very naughty attitude, always used to do something funny. it was a winter's day he was in the toilet, all of sudden what happened to him as he threw a bucket full of water in another toilet, and ran away, the man in the next toilet was so frightened by the sudden fall of water on the body he shouted who it was? and came out in a rage.


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