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Showing posts from March, 2022


Many years have gone by still remember my childhood memories spent with my colony friends: It's amazing how we grow from careless kids to responsible teens. There was a full of the energetic environment in the colony. I thought to share a few of the funny memories spend with my childhood friends.  1) In our colony a grumpy lady staying on the ground floor her house window was facing the garden. We used to play all games in that garden like hockey, cricket, football, etc. I remember one day we were all playing cricket, she looked from the window and thought if anything happened, will be caught immediately, suddenly one of our friends hit a hard shot the ball went straight to that lady's window, and the glass shattered, in seconds we ran away with the bat, ball, stump, etc. immediately the lady came out, but she didn't see anyone, and she went home blabbering " हे सगळे पोर अत्ता हित होते कुठे पळुन जातात".,  2)In our Colony there was a temple of Lord Laxmi Naray